Friday, July 18, 2008

Its Friday, Waste Time By Watching Stuff!

So its a pretty slow gossip day. I suppose I could talk about the whole Spederline custody settlement thing, but what's the point when they're just going to end up back in court in a couple months to change it again? I do truly believe that the boys are better off with K-Fed for now (I never thought I'd say that, but its true). If Britney continues to improve the way she has, the I can totally see the judge awarding her with more custody. But for now, I think the agreement they reached will work just fine.

Other than that, Salma Hayek broke off her engagement to her billionaire babydaddy. Not much to say there either. Bummer for the kid, but not terribly unexpected considering the discrepancy in hotness between them. She got a cute kid who's going to have one heck of a trust fund out of the deal. I think she's set.

So that's pretty much what's going on in the gossip world. Now why don't you waste some time by watching the final installment of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? Its pretty awesome! Check it out at

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