Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Better Question: Who Didn't Get Arrested Today?

Its been a day of arrests and its only 11 am here in California! Actually, one of these arrests happened last week and is only being reported today, but it still feels like a rash of bad behavior amoungst the Hollywood types. We'll start with the most recent. Andy Dick is no stranger to a jail cell, but this latest arrest is just a little creepier than his normal fare. Here are the details:
Andy Dick was busted in Murietta, Calif., early this morning on felony charges of sexual battery, possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana and public intoxication after allegedly groping and exposing a 17-year-old restaurant patron. The arresting officer, Lt. Dennis Vrooman, told E! News he picked up the actor at 1:13 a.m. this morning outside the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant and bar after receiving a complaint about a man urinating outside and generally causing a disturbance. Per the police report, the 42-year-old actor approached two girls outside the restaurant before grabbing and pulling down the tank top and bra of the unidentified 17-year-old. Several of Dick's friends attempted to remove him from the location, but cops stopped the group's truck several minutes later at a nearby Sam's Club. "The girls were uncomfortable with what he had done," Vrooman said. "They signed private person arrest forms requesting that he be arrested. It was not mutual." As if the situation wasn't bad enough for Dick, officers found marijuana and Xanax in his pants pockets, Vrooman said. Dick was booked at the Southwest Detention Center and has since been transported to the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, where he is being held on $5,000 bail. (Source EOnline)
Yeah, while I enjoy Andy Dick in scripted stuff, like News Radio, as a person I find him rather repugnant and I've never really enjoyed his comedy. This latest arrest is only one in a string of increasingly bad behavior that leads me to believe that the man thinks he can do anything and get away with it. Why would he think he can just pull down someone's tank top on the street? Seriously! Who does that? I have to admit, though, that his mugshot is pretty hilarious.

This second arrest actually happened last week and bums me out way more than the Andy Dick thing. It seems that the lead singer for the band Barenaked Ladies was busted for cocaine and marijuana possession last week. Here are the details on that arrest:

Barenaked Ladies' singer and guitarist Steven Page was arrested Friday in upstate New York and charged with possession of cocaine, a police spokesman confirmed. According to the Manilus Police Department, the 38-year-old musician and two women were holed up in an apartment in Fayetteville, just outside of Syracuse, at approximately 2 a.m. Friday, when a patrol unit arrived on scene to inspect a nearby car with its driver's side door left open. While investigating the "suspicious vehicle," officers noticed Page and 25-year-old companion Stephanie Ford seated in an apartment kitchen with "an unknown white capsule in front of them." After confronting the pair, police performed a field test and determined the substance was cocaine. The two were taken into custody and booked on felony criminal possession of a controlled substance. Ford was also charged with marijuana posession. The third woman who resided in the apartment, 27-year-old Christine Benedicto, was not present at the time of the others' arrest. She was booked a few hours later on a misdemeanor pot-posession count. (Source EOnline)

All three were released on bail and, according to the band's website, Steven has entered a Not Guilty plea and is planning on fighting the charges. I hope this was all a big misunderstanding because I've always been a big BNR fan. Ever since Rock Spectacle really. And I just started listening to Snacktime, the children's album they recently released, and I've found it to be pretty fun. Granted, I don't have any kids, but our 10 week old kitten seems to like it. Anyway, I realize its a bit naive to be disillusioned by a musician being busted on drug charges, but those guys always seemed more down to earth and unaffected by the music scene. Who knows what's really going on there.

Anyway, I'm trying out something new with this blog, which is basically posting whenever I find something worth writing about, but making them shorter posts over all. Hopefully this will motivate me to write every day instead of once or twice a week. We'll see if it works.

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