Monday, July 14, 2008

Bittersweet Events

What started out as an uplifting post today has kind of turned into a downer! When I came to work this morning, I was all excited about writing about the Branglina twins and speculating about how much PEOPLE Magazine would pay Brad and Angie for the first pictures of the two, undoubtedly gorgeous, babies. But when I returned from lunch, I was greeted with some sad news. I think I'll just start with the sad and move on to the happy, in hopes that I will cheer up by the time this post is completely written.
So the saddest news so far today has to be the Sarah Silverman-Jimmy Kimmel split. The couple, who have been dating for five years, were never afraid to share too much about their relationship with the world. I fear we'll never see another viral video about fornicating with Matt Damon from this pair again. That alone is enough to break my heart. But what makes it worse is the fact that I really liked them as a couple and thought that they were perfect together. Here's the official story:

The next time Sarah Silverman makes a video about which celebrity she's f--king, Jimmy Kimmel may not find it quite so funny. The late-night talk-show host and the bawdy object of his affection have separated after five funnybone-tickling, viral video-goofing years, E! News has confirmed. "Jimmy and Sarah are no longer dating...and will have no further comment," Lewis Kay and Amy Zvi, the respective reps for Kimmel and Silverman, said in a joint statement today. (Source E Online)

I'm serious, this news totally depressed me! Both Sarah and Jimmy are really funny people and I thought they really complimented each other's personalities. Sigh. Well, lets remember the good times.

And Jimmy's rebuttal:

Ah, the good old days back in the winter of 2008. Will things ever be the same?
Moving on to less depressing news. Well, less depressing if your not Josh Brolin or anyone attached to the filming of W. It seems the cast and crew of W, the Oliver Stone movie about President George W. Bush that's currently filming in Louisiana, went out to party on Friday night and got themselves into a spot of trouble. Here's the low down:
Josh Brolin, Jeffrey Wright and five others were arrested early Saturday morning in Shreveport, La., in connection with a bar fight. Brolin and Wright – who are reportedly in town shooting Oliver Stone's President George W. Bush film, W – were arrested at the Stray Cat bar after a call was made regarding a rowdy patron, Shreveport police Sgt. Willie Lewis told the Associated Press. Brolin was booked and posted $334 cash bond, according to the Times of Shreveport. Brolin's rep could not be reached for comment. (Source PEOPLE Magazine)
While this isn't really a big deal, I found this story interesting for a couple of reasons. One, it takes place in Shreveport, where I spent quite a bit of time in my college years. Mainly in the airport and on the casino boats (which are pretty overrated in my opinion), but I still spent a bit of time there and tend to single out any story that takes place there. The other thing I found funny about this story (aside from Brolin's mugshot, which is pretty hilarious all on its own) was the fact that he only had to pay $334 to get out of jail. This makes me think that the police weren't terribly interested in arresting him in the first place and if he had just kept his mouth shut he would never have been subjected to the ridicule his mugshot has been given by the bloggerazzi. Maybe he'll think twice before doing that again.
And finally, the big news of the weekend, which we will be hearing about constantly for the next three months to a year, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are the proud parents of twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. Here are just some of the details:
Brad Pitt was at Angelina Jolie's side as she gave birth to a son and daughter Saturday at the Fondation Lenval hospital in Nice, France, PEOPLE has confirmed. "The babies are doing well. The operation went just perfectly," Dr. Michel Sussmann told PEOPLE Sunday. "Angelina is in very good spirits. Brad Pitt was at her side. He was there and all was well." Sussmann confirmed the Nice-Matin newspaper report that Jolie gave birth to a boy, Knox Leon, and a girl, Vivienne Marcheline, by Cesarean section on Saturday night. Knox weighed 5.03 lbs, and Vivienne 5 lbs. (Source PEOPLE Magazine).

So I was a week off on my Brangelina twin prediction and the media was three days off on theirs (there were numerous reports circulating that Angelina wasn't supposed to give birth until this Tuesday so that her doctor could celebrate Bastille Day. Guess she was done cooking sooner than everyone thought.) Since the birth of the golden children on Saturday night, there have been at least three press conferences and numerous web stories about this, that and the other. I've seen at least three different stories on the meaning of the twins' names (I never realized that all of the Jolie-Pitt male children's names end in X, but its true. Maddox, Pax and now Knox, I wonder what that's all about) and what effect these names will have on naming trends in the next few years. And, of course, everyone is speculating how much the first baby pictures will go for. Many are projecting between $10 and $20 million, which Brangelina will donate to charity. How surreal it would be to grow up knowing that your baby pictures could have bought a third world country. Something tells me the Jolie Pitt children's lives will never be as "normal" as their parents insist they are. Seriously, $20 million for a baby picture! Which will probably be taken by Annie Leibovitz and will probably end up costing PEOPLE or OK or whoever forks the money over another $2 million just to get them produced and to keep them from leaking on to the Internet before the magazine hits the news stands. Craziness I tell you, just pure craziness.

Well another Monday is almost over and we're off and running again into the week. Its been a crazy week or so for me. Aside from work and our adorable kitten (who is not as angelic as her name implies), my husband also had his wisdom teeth taken out last week. So its been Nurse Tracy at your service since last Thursday. Though, I must say that he is a pretty good patient. He doesn't complain much and was already back at work by Friday. And he humored me and let me be the over protective wife for a while. He's had a pretty fast recovery and was able to make it to the Dave Koz and David Benoit concert at Robert Mondavi Winery this past Saturday where we were broadcasting live. It was a pretty good time, if only for the amusing commentary we kept going throughout the concert. If you haven't checked out the Summer Festival at Robert Mondavi Winery, I highly suggest you do. I'll be at all the rest of the concerts this season (there are three left) and the line up is only getting better! You can get all the info at Here's a few pictures from the evening. The guy with the puffy cheeks is my husband (isn't he cute!).

That's pretty much it for me today. There are still at least two more celebrities that are due to pop any day now, so I should have lots to write about this week.

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