Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sticky Fingers, Pregnant Ratings and Farwells.

Its Tuesday, so its time for some gossip! Its also post- Cinco de Mayo, so there was some partying being done by this radio redhead over the weekend. Which means I'm a little sleepy and I'm hoping this post even remotely makes sense. Here it goes.

I'm starting it all off with a Lindsay Lohan story, because just last week I was complaining about the lack of scandal going on in the world of entertainment. Leave it to LiLo to spice things up again. Granted, this story actually took place a few months ago, its just making its way to the press now. Apparently, Lindsay's got some sticky fingers when she goes partying. According to a New York Post report, LiLo was partying at a night club in New York back in January, and accidentally-on-purpose took some other chick's mink coat as she left. Here's the deets:

Masha Markova, 22, believed she had forever lost the prized jacket - a gift from her grandmother - while attending a private birthday party at 1Oak in the Meatpacking District in the early-morning hours of Jan. 26. She recalled putting the mink in a common bin with other jackets. It was gone when she prepared to leave 1Oak after an hour, Markova said.Two weeks later, Markova flipped through the Feb. 11 edition of OK! Magazine and couldn't believe her eyes - Lohan was photographed the night of Jan. 26 wearing the very same fur coat. The pretty co-ed said that in the ensuing days, she surfed the Internet and found several paparazzi photos of Lohan wearing the distinctive blond coat hours after the birthday party they had both attended. Also, celebrity blogs posted pictures of the actress party-hopping that night - wearing a black coat before she arrived at 1Oak, Markova said. Club owners vowed to get to the bottom of it, but several days passed with no call back, Markova said. That's when her immigration lawyer, Merrill Cohen, called Lohan's high-powered Hollywood attorney, Blair Berk, threatening litigation. Hours later, Markova said she heard from 1Oak. "They were very discreet, never mentioned a name or even the word 'coat,' " Markova said. "They just said, 'We're going to bring you something.' " The coat arrived at Markova's Morningside Heights apartment two days later. Reeking of cigarettes and booze with a slight tear in the lining, the fur coat was no worse for wear after a dry cleaning and quick patch-up. Still, she wants answers - and Lohan to own up to swiping her coat. "I don't see how it could have been an accident," Markova said. Markova and her lawyer stopped short of accusing Lohan of wrongdoing. But they still want her to pay at least $10,000 for the unauthorized, three-week rental. Lohan's spokeswoman did not return calls. (source The New York Post)
This story makes me remember why I love celebutards like Lindsay. They honestly think its okay to take someone else's mink coat from a night club! Who does that? Lindsay Lohan I guess. This story is right up there with her excuse after being found with cocaine in her pocket during her second DUI. She tried to pretend she was wearing someone else's pants and didn't know there was coke in the pocket. If you've seen the pictures, you would see that her pants are so tight there's no way she couldn't know there was something in the pocket, she would have felt a penny in her pocket let alone a bag of cocaine.

Let's move on, shall we?

Just because Jamie Lynne Spears has followed her roots of white trash and gotten knocked up at age 16, doesn't mean she didn't, at one time, have talent. It seems that the series finale of her Nickelodeon show Zoey 101 (which I've never watched, nor do I care to) got the highest ratings its ever had. Check it out:

Jamie Lynn Spears got a hit Zoey 101. The hourlong season—and series—finale of the hit Nick tween comedy, billed as the Zoey 101 movie Chasing Zoey, was the most watched show in the 10,000-show cable universe, averaging 5.1 million viewers, per the latest Nielsen Media Research rankings. Another Zoey 101 airing after the finale placed second, with 5 million viewers. The shows aired Friday, the night before the pregnant Spears celebrated a baby shower in Louisiana with her family, elder sister Britney Spears included. As previously announced, Zoey's just-concluded fourth season was its last. (source E Online)

Well, at least something is going well for her. I can't imagine being banished back home to Louisiana awaiting the birth of her first child was exactly what she had in mind when she filmed this final episode, but at least it shows that her fans still love her. I still think she needs to learn the ins and outs of birth control and maybe not sell her life story to the tabloids every time something happens to her, but that's just my opinion. Way to go Jamie Lynne, now go practice your Lamaze!
Okay, I'll try to dial down my snarkiness for a moment (its just so hard!) and move on to other topics. The Police (the band not the officers) held a press conference today in New York to announce, among other things, the final concert of their reunion tour:

At a news conference Tuesday in Times Square, frontman Sting, guitarist Andy Summers and drummer Stewart Copeland also said they wanted to make a lasting contribution to New York, and announced they will donate $1 million to a city program that aims to plant 1 million trees by 2017.
"We have a long history here," Sting said. "We wanted to leave a gift with our last performance that would keep on giving year after year, decade after decade — the gift of trees does do that."
The Police split up in 1984 but reunited for an anniversary tour last year. They said details about the date, venue and tickets for the final show will be released soon. Proceeds will benefit public television.
The group said in a statement: "We kicked off our very first American tour at CBGB's in 1978, and this summer, 30 years later, our journey will come full circle as we play our final show here in New York City." (CBGB closed in October 2006 after 33 years in downtown New York.) (source AP)

So far I haven't heard whether this concert will be their last one ever as a band or if they're just taking a breather from touring and each other so they don't implode like they did last time. Way to go Police for helping the environment and making sure your final show is sold out. No one ever said Sting was stupid.

The final word today comes from the Olsen twins, who are looking more and more like aliens every year. Didn't they used to be adorable back in the Full House days? What happened? Anyway, the Hot 100 list from Maxim magazine hasn't been released yet, but rumors of who's on it and who isn't are swirling around like crazy. According to E Online, Ashley Olsen has made the list but Mary Kate? Not so much.

Apparently, when Maxim releases its upcoming Hot 100 List, Ashley Olsen will have made the cut, but not her twin. What's more, sources tell the New York Post that not only does Ashley (at No. 47) smoke out her other half, she manages to rank higher than Jessica Simpson (No. 53), who, in turn, gets beat out by her sibling, Ashlee (No. 18). (source E Online)

I always thought Mary Kate was the prettier one. Or was she the scarier one? Which one went to rehab and which one wore that horrible head band? Or was that the same one? All I know is that whoever is at the top of that list better not have a sister named Ashley or Ashlee because that person will no longer be at the top of the list. Who knew Ashley was the new pink?

Anyway, I think that's about it for me today. If you are so inclined, tune in tonight for the season finale of The Reaper on the CW, which has totally turned into an awesome show lately and is on the brink of being canceled. If you've never seen the show, now is the time to tune in. If you're a fan, check here to find out how to support it. That's it for this redhead.

I'm out!

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