Friday, April 25, 2008

Slow day in the Gossip World

So its been a pretty slow day in the gossip world as you can tell by the title of this post. Either there's been a rush of well being amongst the usual gossip staples or just a really big sale at Kitson. Who knows? But across the pond, there has been a bit going on with Amy Winehouse. Yesterday on my show, I read this story about how she head butted a guy in front of a bar while he was trying to hail her a cab. It seems that the London police don't look too kindly on people head butting others, because a 24 year old woman has been arrested on assault charges for this crime. Here's what E Online has to say about it:

Forget rehab, the London Metropolitan police may try to make Amy Winehouse go to jail, jail, jail. The Grammy-winning singer was officially arrested after voluntarily showing up for questioning at the fuzz's Holborn station today over her highly publicized head-butting of a fellow bar patron Wednesday morning. Scotland Yard confirmed to E! News that a 24-year-old was arrested on suspicion of assault after attending an appointment at the central London station today, but has yet to confirm by name that Winehouse was the arrestee. British police do not name suspects until they are formally charged. The singer remains in police custody. If convicted, Winehouse faces up to six months in jail. (Source E Online)

While this is unfortunate news for Amy, its hardly surprising to the rest of the world, considering her past erratic behavior. And while Amy was possibly getting arrested, her already jailed husband "Blake Incarcerated" (as she called him at the Grammy's) was in court getting some unhappy news:

Amy Winehouse's husband Blake Fielder-Civil will remain in jail at least until June 9, a London judge ruled Friday. Fielder-Civil was due to be released in May. But he and three of his co-defendants will remain in jail because "the trial can't be heard within those custody time limits," said Judge David Radford. His trial on charges stemming from a pub brawl begins June 2, and is could to continue for six weeks. Lawyers expect Fielder-Civil will have to remain in jail throughout the trial. (source

This is more bad news for the Winehouse family, that has already struggled a lot this year. To add to the struggle, PEOPLE Magazine noticed some strange doings at the hearing:

[Winehouse] did not appear at the hearing in London's Snaresbrook Crown Court. Nor did his [Civil's] mother, Georgette Civil, a fixture at his court dates. Instead Fielder-Civil was supported by his father and 21-year-old Sophie Schandorff, a pretty blonde woman who later identified herself to PEOPLE as Fielder-Civil's "best friend."During his 90 minutes in court, Fielder-Civil – sporting close-cropped hair and a New York Jets t-shirt – whispered and laughed with Schandorff, who was seated across the courtroom. Finally the court clerk put a stop to their chatting. As he was leaving, Fielder-Civil and Schandorff mouthed "I love yous." Oh really? "As a friend," Schandorff clarified to PEOPLE. She said she'd known Fielder-Civil for 2 and a half years, but had not yet been to see him in London's Pentonville Prison. During the proceedings, however, the two made plans for a jail house visit. "Hopefully tomorrow," she said. "But he has to call me." When asked where Winehouse was, Schanforff said simply, "I don't know." She then left to chat with Fielder-Civil's attorney. (source

Oh really? Maybe the happy couple aren't quite so happy after all. I mean, having your spouse in jail for that amount of time has to take its toll on the marriage. I had previously ignored various reports that have been going around the web about Amy stepping out on Blake while he was behind bars, but maybe its a mutual thing. Maybe they've got more of an open marriage. Especially when in jail. All I know is that Blake has always seemed like a shady character who preys on Amy's weaknesses (i.e. being a crazy, messed up drug addict) and enjoys the perks of being a famous woman's husband without really doing much to support her. I mean, have you seen the pictures of their brawls? Ew!

Moving on to lighter news, Mariah Carey's had quite the week. Not only did her new album E=MC2 debut at number one on the Billboard charts and she's broken all sorts of records with it, now comes this tidbit:

Grammy-winner Mariah Carey – whose new No. 1 album, E = MC2, sold 463,000 copies in its first week – is hitting another high: This weekend the Empire State Building in New York City will be lit in lavendar, pink and white in her honor. One of the most successful female recording artists of all time, Carey, 39, recently surpassed Elvis Presley’s record of 17 No. 1 hits with her 18th, "Touch My Body." (source

Congrats to Mariah for another hit record. She's well on her way to being the best selling artist ever. I'm not really a fan of her music, but I've got to admire the way she came back from disaster (Glitter) and how she owns her diva-ness. It takes quite a woman to pull all that off. That said, I think lighting the Empire State Building in her favorite colors for an entire weekend may be a bit much. But that's just my opinion.

On to even lighter news (its Friday, I start with the downers and leave you with the fluffy stuff to start your weekend. You're welcome.) Tom Cruise is returning to The Oprah Winfrey Show:

Hold onto those sofa cushions: Tom Cruise is coming back to The Oprah Winfrey Show. “Tom will be doing the Oprah show,” Cruise’s rep Julie Polkes tells PEOPLE. “He is really looking forward to it.” The show, which will appear in two parts during May sweeps, will celebrate Cruise’s career since his breakout role 25 years ago in Risky Business. One part will be shot in-studio before a live audience. In the other, Cruise will show Winfrey around his Telluride mountain retreat and do a portion of the interview at the home. (Source

While I highly doubt that Tom is going to be jumping on Oprah's couch again, after all, he already married the woman he was so besotted with, I'm sure that she's got her squirt gun ready, just in case he should get too excited. I'll have to keep an eye out for this very special episode, it may end up to be comic gold!

Well, that's it, I'm gossiped out. I told you it was a slow new day, at least in the entertainment biz. Don't forget that today is the 12th annual Day of Silence. You can get more info here.

Have a good weekend all, I'll be back sometime next week.

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