Monday, April 14, 2008

Another Possibly Pregnant Starlet and other Random News

So there's no real theme today in this redhead's rants, other than lack of sleep making me a bit cranky and a lost contact lens giving me a headache. So if I'm a bit on the mean side, it'll pass, just let me work out my ranting by focusing it on a place that's pretty used to it, Hollywood.

First up, a "source" close to Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz is claiming the she has become the latest unmarried starlet dating a rock star to get her eggo prego (thank you Juno). Here's the story that's been running on eonline:
A source close to Ashlee Simpson has confirmed to E! News that the 23-year-old singer is expecting her first child with her new fiancé, 28-year-old Pete Wentz. The source said "it's very early" in the pregnancy, and that the duo divulged the stork delivery news to their families last week. Just last Wednesday, the couple of 18 months announced their engagement.

Well that's just great for them. Actually, I truly don't care if she is or if she isn't pregs, its more the cliche of it all. I mean, Nicole Richie did it first, followed by Jessica Alba and Jamie-Lynne Spears (though in her case is a bit more unique, given that she's like 12. Or 17 or whatever, way to young to be knocked up but way too old to not understand birth control) and now Ashlee Simpson. She's always been a bit of a follower anyways, what with the reality show pimping her first album after the "success" of her sister's reality show Newlyweds. Though I don't know how successful it was considering many consider it the downfall of Jessica's marriage to Nick Lachey. But back to Ashlee, I guess I was hoping that this particular trend (i.e. unplanned pregnancy) would be one that she didn't follow, but that may have been expecting too much from the poor girl. At least she seems genuinely happy with her guy and I wish them the best. Now the bump countdown is on. Whoo hoo!

Moving on. If you hadn't noticed, we're in the middle of an election year. Which has pretty much thrown everyone in the media and entertainment world a little off. And the carousel ride won't stop until that new president, whoever he or she may be, has been inaugurated and the first administration scandal can begin. And if you think that a little thing like electing a new president couldn't shake the power of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, you would be wrong.

D.C. trumps L.A. Once every four years, at least. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences is pushing back the announcement of 2009's Oscar nominations by two days in order to avoid coinciding with the news juggernaut that is the presidential inauguration. Inauguration Day is scheduled to take place Tuesday Jan. 20. The Academy Award nominations, originally set to be revealed the same day, will now be unveiled on Jan. 22. The Oscars in turn will take place Feb. 22, the earliest the show has ever taken place. (source eonline)

Well this is good news and bad news for Oscar lovers everywhere. While we have to wait two extra days to find out who the lucky few to get nominated are (bad), we won't have to wait nearly as long to find out who the lucky winners are (better), and that means that awards season will drag on one less week (best!). I wonder if this is a ploy to get the ratings up after this years dismal turnout.

And finally, we'll wrap up today's rant with a little Coldplay update. I've never been totally in to Coldplay, though I enjoy them well enough some days, but there's a lot of buzz around their new album and details have finally been released.

Coldplay have set a June 17 release date for their forthcoming fourth album, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends. The record, which features 10 new tracks and is their first release of original material since 2005's X&Y, was recorded in London, Barcelona and New York. (source eonline)

Like I said, I'm not really a big Coldplay kind of girl, but this album is supposed to be saving their record company's butt big time, so I'm sure there's going to be tons of hype about it in the next few months, I might as well jump on the band wagon now or get left behind;)

I think that's about it for this installment of my ranting. Its been fun. I've learned to use images. Maybe next time I'll figure out this whole matching font thing, but I don't want to get too crazy. So that's it. I'm outta here!

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