Its Earth Day! The day when everyone remembers that we're killing our planet and resolves to be nicer to it, only to forget again tomorrow. I'm not judging, believe me, I'm just as bad as the next person, but lately I've been trying to be better and it didn't even take a holiday to remind me to do it, so I guess I'm feeling a bit smug. I'll take myself down a few notches now and just hope that everyone is having a good day and that we all at least think about being nicer to the planet today.
On to things less irritating than my opinions. Or maybe they're more irritating, depending on your views of pop culture. But if you aren't a fan of celebrity gossip, why are you reading this blog? That just seems redundant. (I really just wanted to work the word redundant into a sentence) So here we go, here's today's gossip update.
There isn't much today, but I haven't discussed Lindsay Lohan on this blog yet, because she's been pretty well behaved lately. I guess I was hoping she had turned her life around after this last rehab stint. I guess I was wrong. Reports are rampant on the web about her rather public fall of the wagon this past weekend:
Many of you will remember the this is not the first time LiLo has fallen off the wagon since her latest stint in rehab, but the last time was over three months ago, so I was hoping she'd gotten it out of her system. Maybe this time will be that time. I hope she gets back on the wagon again. It can't be easy to have the world watching your recovery, but I hope she sticks to it. Once upon a time she was talented, its sad what addiction has done to her.
On to other, happier news, it seems that the rumored marriage of Beyonce and Jay-Z may actually be true!
I so knew that they had gotten married. I understand the need for secrecy and privacy and all of that, but they had to know that magazines like People and US Weekly were going to be hounding the courts until that signed license went through. Official congrats to the newlyweds!
Less happy news comes from Ritchie Sambora, who was totally busted on a DUI a while ago and has now been formally charged.
You know that he's going to get off with a slap on the wrist and a fine. Unless this is his second offense, he's not likely to get jail time like Kiefer Sutherland.
Here's another story that concerned me today, not because its scandalous or anything like that, it just seems so stupid. It seems that Miley Cyrus, she of Hannah Montana world dominance, is now writing a memoir. Check it out:
Miley Cyrus is coming to a bookstore near you: The 15-year-old actress and singer is writing her memoirs.
The book, to be published by Disney next spring, will center on Cyrus' rise to fame and the guidance of her mother, Leticia. It will also include unseen family photos.
"I hope to motivate mothers and daughters to build lifetimes of memories together and inspire kids around the world to live their dreams, I am so excited to let fans in on how important my relationship with my family is to me," the Hannah Montana star added. (source: US Weekly)
And finally, in honor of Earth Day, here's a celebrity who hasn't fallen off the wagon, got a DUI, or is writing an idiotic memoir, but is trying to do something good for the planet and make a few extra bucks in the meantime.
Well, its not much, but at least she's trying. The woman lives in Texas, its not easy to be green in Texas. At least not where I lived in Texas. Plus she just got in a huge car accident!
So that's that campers, your redheaded rant of the day. Will I be back tomorrow or will I make you wait another week for my ironic witticisms? Well, it all depends on my mood.
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