Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rob Lowe is an alleged perv and other tidbits.

This redhead has been fighting herself all morning on whether to blog about this whole Rob Lowe nanny lawsuit madness that has been foisted upon our poor unsuspecting brains, but I finally gave in to the temptation, something Robby knows a little about. In case you've been hiding under a rock today, here's what's going on: About a week ago, Rob and his wifey filed lawsuits against their former nanny, their former chef and another employee claiming a litany of complaints including breach of contract, defamation, trespassing and ... wait for it ... having sex in their bed (were they all having sex together in the bed or at different times? And how many beds are we talking about here, just one? That bed was seeing a lot of action!). Then Rob blogs on The Huffington Post about how his former nanny used to tell people that she was intimately involved with him and she was trying to blackmail him and blah blah blah. I sort of lost interest after a while and basically forgot about the whole thing until this morning, when the details of the nanny's lawsuit came out. Here's a brief look at her myriad of complaints:
In a lawsuit filed in Santa Barbara court Monday, Rob Lowe's former nanny, 24-year-old Jessica Gibson, alleged that the actor repeatedly exposed himself and inappropriately touched both himself and her during her seven-year tenure as his employee. Among other alleged indiscretions, Gibson claims Lowe "placed his hand inside Gibson's pants" several times between 2005 and 2008 and also grabbed her derriere without consent in 2007. She also alleged that Lowe's wife, Sheryl, walked around naked, made vulgar comments and would discuss her sex life with the nanny. (source eonline)

First of all, I have a few questions, the first and most obvious would be, if your employer was putting his hands down your pants without your permission, wouldn't you, I don't know, tell him to stop? And if he kept doing it, wouldn't it be smarter to, oh gee, maybe find a new job? Not continue to work for him for another three years and keep letting him do it! Seriously, there is no job worth that kind of assault, which leads me to believe that she is either a) making it up, or b) was having a relationship with him that went sour, so she's trying to make him pay (literally) for it. I'm kind of leaning towards the latter on this one. I mean, I'm no Rob Lowe fan, but this woman just seems a bit shady to me. You don't work for someone for seven years (if my math is correct, she started working for them when she was 17? Shouldn't she still be in school?) and then accuse them of sexual harassment after you've already quit and been accused of blackmailing them. And you don't go on the Today show with your lawyer, media whore Gloria Allred (she's famous for representing Amber Frey in the Scott Peterson case, Paula Jones against former President Bill Clinton, and Tommy Lee, to name a few, and always makes sure her clients are on every talk show known to man.) if your not out to get someone. Seriously, this is going to be one annoying case and its going to be all over the media all the time. Let me tell you how excited that makes me.

Moving on. It looks like Wesley Snipes may be going to jail for not paying the man his taxes. I don't know if any of you followed that whole tax evasion fraud trial, but it was a bit fishy as well and Wesley came out sounding like a freak. Check out this interview with Entertainment Weekly if you don't believe me. So, a lot of the charges against Wesley were dropped and he was only convicted of three misdemeanor accounts, but he may actually see the inside of a jail cell after all:
U.S. prosecutors have recommended that Wesley Snipes serve the maximum maximum three-year prison term and pay a $5 million fine for his "brazen defiance" in failing to file returns on $58 million in income between 1999-2004. The actor was convicted on three misdemeanor counts of willfully failing to file his returns in February. (source eonline)

I've got no problem with Snipes, aside from inflicting a lot of bad movies on innocent people (Money Train anyone?), but his defense on this case sounds pretty bogus. So, if he did the crime, he should probably do the time. He'll probably be out in less than a month anyway. Or does that only work if your a starlet in L.A.?

And finally, Naomi Campbell is back in the news again, but surprisingly, its not for abusing an airline attendant or her housekeeper. No, this time the ill tempered one was actually trying to help people. I know, shocking right?
Naomi Campbell has been denied. Brazilian officials have rejected the supermodel's offer to donate blood to help fight the nation's dengue fever epidemic. The supermodel arrived in Rio de Janeiro Tuesday to lend a hand, or more likely vein, at the HemoRio medical center, where she was turned down after officials informed her the donation period fell too soon after her February surgery to remove a cyst for her to be eligible to donate. (source eonline)

Poor Naomi just wanted to help and those mean old Brazilians wouldn't take her blood. Boo hoo. I shouldn't judge, at least she's trying. And she wasn't even ordered by the court to do it. Maybe that last bout of anger management classes did their job. Or maybe not. There's a reason I name all of my orchids Naomi. (Its a long story, but its starts with me complaining about how orchids are a pain to take care of and a friend told me that "orchids are the Naomi Campbell of flowers." Its true too. Don't ask why I still get orchids, its usually not my choice)

So that's about all this redhead feels like ranting about. I could go off on bands reuniting
when they should just leave well enough alone, or I could talk about what a creepy old man Kevin Costner has become, but then what would I rant about tomorrow? Oh yeah, the nation's obsession with American Idol and other reality dreck. I'll just save all of that for a rainy day.
I'm out.

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