Paramount Pictures is doing everything it can to make sure Zac Efron is Footloose and roadblock-free. In the wake of the box-office domination of the Zefron-juiced High School Musical 3: Senior Year, the studio has put its remake of the Kevin Bacon classic on the fast track, with production slated to begin on the musical next spring. According to Variety, Paramount is doing what it can to ensure a smooth run-up to the start date, including offering the 21-year-old star a "mid-seven-figure salary" and script approval. Along for the potentially lucrative ride is HSM3 director Kenny Ortega, who will once again shepherd Efron through the lofty big-screen endeavor. Because the studio is hoping the Footloose audience skews slightly older than Efron's current demographic—aiming for older teens and adults in lieu of Disneyfied tweens—Paramount has enlisted the slightly
more edgy talents of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist director Peter Sollett to give the script a once-over. Bringing out all the stops, the studio has also commissioned new songs to be written for the flick. While the original was, without question, a music-heavy venture, the remake will go one step further and actually branch into musical genre territory. As further insurance for success, the studio has roped in two Chicago producers to lend a hand on the movie. (source)
Yup, yet another movie remake in the near future. This time, its an 80's classic that really doesn't need to be remade. Especially by Zac Efron. Is there no creativity left in the world? Or is Zac just not a fan of being in creative movies? Lets look at his resume so far: High School Musical. While original enough to satisfy most tweenagers, not really the most novel of story lines. But at least it had original music and choreography. High School Musical 2. Losing credibility here.
Hairspray. A remake of the Broadway play that was a remake of a John Waters movie. From the 80's. High School Musical 3. Pretty much all credibility garnared from the first movie has been sequeled out by now. Upcoming projects include 17 again, which is basically Big in reverse. Not an original concept. And now this Footloose remake. Wow, this is a guy who really takes chances! I bet he plays basketball in all of them too! I shouldn't judge too much though. He may not get offered any other kind of role. But, if he wants to stick around like he says he does, he may want to find a new kind of role to play or else he's going to be cast in a lot of direct to DVD movies before spluttering off into obscurity once the next hot stud debuts. That's just my opinion though. Is anyone excited about this remake? Aside from the people making money off of it?
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