1. I spent the majority of a week trying to get that stars are shining song of hers out of my head a year or so again and am not looking forward to repeating the ear drum puncturing that it required.
2. The basis of her new show is for people to compete to be her best friend. Since when does being Paris Hilton's BFF really help a person in the real world? She's just going to start some battle royale with the winner within three weeks anyway, what's the point? Unless you enjoy being verbally abused and puked on after a long night of clubbing and driving her drunk ass to Taco Bell at 4 am.
3. She's famous for being famous! I can't condone that! I just can't do it.
So, no Paris Hilton theme song for me. But feel free to indulge all you want. I'm sure I'll end up hearing it at some point inadvertantly anyway. Now I'm going to go shower to try and clean of the residue of my principles shattering from actually dedicating a whole blog post to Paris Hilton's music career. Blurg!