Friday, June 6, 2008

Odds and Ends and Happy Friends

Well, its Friday again and boy has it been a day! Fridays are usually busier for me than most days, but today seems to be pretty non-stop. But luckily, I was able to carve out an hour to get this post going. Though its probably going to be a little unorganized, at least I'm doing it right?

Its been a rather chaotic Friday in the gossip world too. There's been so many stories going around the web that I wasn't sure which ones to talk about. I could
continue the Nick Hogan saga, but I am so over that one already. Or I could weigh in on the whole Real Housewives of the O.C. and N.Y.C. cat fight, but that's going to be done to death by the time this post is finally finished. So I decided to draw four stories out of a hat and that's what we're stuck with. Let's get started!

I wasn't planning on talking about this particular story when it broke Wednesday, because I really do feel bad for the guy, but then he had to go on Larry King Live and ruin my sympathy, so now its on! The news broke that Ed McMahon and his wife are on the verge of foreclosing on their multi-million dollar home. Here's what he had to say about it:

Ed McMahon blames the possible foreclosure of his multimillion-dollar Beverly Hills house on a set of problems all too familiar to many Americans: a foundering economy, health problems and poor planning. "If you spend more money than you make, you know what happens," McMahon said Thursday night on CNN's "Larry King Live." "You know, a couple of divorces thrown in, a few things like that. And, you know, things happen." McMahon, 85, appeared with his wife, Pamela. The couple said they are $644,000 behind on their mortgage payments and are in negotiations with lender Countrywide Home Loans Inc. to set a foreclosure date. McMahon, in a neck brace, said he had stopped working since he broke his neck in a fall 18 months ago. He didn't elaborate. Still, McMahon said he was hopeful. He said there has been renewed interest in the house this week. (source Associated Press)

While I feel bad that the man broke his neck and that he's on the verge of losing his home, it doesn't seem like he's too upset about it. The whole "a couple divorces thrown in" bit made it seem a bit glib to me. And the fact that he's comparing himself with the hundreds of men and women who are losing their homes everyday is a bit tough to swallow in my opinion. Those people are losing the only home they have. He's losing his winter property. Its not the same situation. I just hope he's not using this whole experience as a way to get back on top like a lot of celebrities are doing (yes Nick Hogan, I heard about your post-prison reality show. Ew!). If Ed McMahon ends up on reality TV because of this, I will never watch a rerun of Star Search again. And forget about that whole Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes thing. I will not be conned like that again:)

On to other, hopefully less depressing, topics. Adam Sandler announced today that he will be branching out his production company (Happy Madison) and creating a branch that produces horror movies (to be named Scary Madison). Here are the details:

Adam Sandler has decided to branch off his production company Happy Madison with a separate division called Scary Madison, which will develop horror flicks. Per the Hollywood Reporter, the first project the shingle will produce is a thriller called Shortcut, following two brothers who stumble on a shortcut into their new town and, unfortunately for them, learn why it's so rarely used. Sandler and partner Jack Giarraputo will executive-produce the film, which will be helmed by Nicholaus Goosen (Grandma's Boy) and star newcomers Andrew Seeley, Shannon Woodward and Dave Franco. The script was penned by Adam's brother, Scott Sandler. (source E Online)

Adam Sandler has always been about keeping his friends and family employed. If you haven't noticed, he puts the same people in his films over and over again. So it makes sense that he starts an entire new company to make sure his brother's script get filmed. I hope his finance people have him well covered, because I don't know how well a Sandler-written horror movie will turn out. But I have been wrong before and I'm more than willing to be wrong again. I also didn't think he could sing, but The Wedding Singer proved me wrong. Maybe I shouldn't underestimate the power of the Sandler. He may be delivering box office gold this weekend. But Shortcut sounds pretty lame. I'm just saying.

Moving on. It was announced last night that the friends and family of the late Heath Ledger are planning on setting up a scholarship for struggling Australian actors.

Teaming up with the Tinseltown-based organization Australians in Film, Heath Ledger's relatives, friends and ex-fiancée Michelle Williams last night unveiled the Heath Ledger Scholarship Fund, which will provide financial aid for Oz expats struggling to break into Hollywood. The scholarship will help cover the costs of acting classes and rent. The amount of the award has yet to be finalized, but it will be doled out annually beginning in 2009 in memory of the 28-year-old Brokeback Mountain star, who died Jan. 22 from an accidental prescription overdose. (source E Online)

This is a very positive step in a very tragic situation. I'm sure that starting this scholarship fund will help Heath's friends and family focus on something positive and move on.

And finally, one of my favorite singers from when I was in high school was honored yesterday for her achievements. Jewel was honored by the Recording Industry Association of America for selling a whole bunch of albums.

Having sold more than 18 million albums in the U.S. and 27 million albums worldwide since her professional debut in 1995, Jewel has been honored by the Recording Industry Association of America – which surprised her with a career-milestone plaque on Thursday as she prepared to sign autographs at the Country Music Association festival in Nashville. Jewel released her new album, Perfectly Clear on Tuesday. Its lead single, "Stronger Woman," is already No. 15 on the Billboard chart. This summer, she tours with Brad Paisley. (Source People)

I think I listened to Pieces of You so many times in high school that I was singing it in my sleep (which is not an uncommon thing for me, I've been waking up with the ending song from Juno [the Moldy Peaches one] for about two months now). So congrats to Jewel on her success. I haven't really been following her career the past few years, but I may have to check out her new album. Even though country really isn't my kind of music (I managed to survive living in Texas for five years and working in country radio without being converted. That is a rare thing).

So that's it for me today. Sorry for the abbreviated and rather sappy and happy post. The weekend is almost here and I'm looking forward to enjoying it. But I have to get the rest of my work done before I can do that, which means I'm out of here!


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