Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I think I just died a little inside.

So I was looking around the Internet, trying to decide what to write about today. Nothing was really striking me as post worthy, but I was a slacker yesterday and didn't get around to posting, so I knew I needed to do it today. But the news has been pretty slow this week. I had about given up hope when I stumbled across something so completely stupid, that my writer's block was shattered by the supreme idiocy that is reality television. So here it goes.

It seems the The Hills stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are totally willing to whore out their wedding to the highest bidder. This isn't really all of that shocking, but now MTV wants to help them too.

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt want to do it on live television. The pressaholic reality-television couple have been talking to MTV honchos about a live telecast of their upcoming nuptials! Montag, 21, has told MTV programming and development honcho Tony DiSanto that they’re ready to say their I-do’s for the cameras, a source reports. No surprise, but DiSanto is said to be keen on the idea. According to Montag and Pratt’s weekly latest cover story in Us, their dream is a small wedding on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island in the Virgin Islands, with catering by Wolfgang Puck’s Cut restaurant, watches by Jason of Beverly Hills for all their guests and a performance by U2. (source E Online)

Obviously these two are shameless when it comes to shoving themselves in the faces of the public day in and day out, hour after hour, minute to minute. I don't think a day has gone by that I haven't seen something about Speidi in the entertainment news. So the idea that they want to broadcast their wedding on MTV is not shocking. Nor is it shocking that MTV thinks its a good idea too. After all, The Hills has made them good money and everyone knows that the show would have dies after two seasons if it hadn't been for that whole L.C.-Heidi battle royale, so how could they refuse? No, what gets me about this whole thing is that the whole wish list wedding that she's talking about will probably happen. She'll probably get Wolfgang Puck to cater and have watches by Jason of Beverly Hills as favors. And those people would be stupid to turn her down because its national TV, which is great exposure, especially because there's going to be so many impressionable teens watching this wedding and tormenting their parents with their insanely expensive wants inspired by the Speidi wedding. So what am I complaining about? The fact that I vowed to myself that I would never blog about The Hills, and yet I can't seem to stop! I'm quite disappointed in me.

Moving on to other scandalous gossip, it seems that Madonna's brother is planning to write his memoirs. Here's the details:
Madonna's brother, Christopher Ciccone, is writing a memoir about his sister, to be released in mid-July by an imprint of Simon & Schuster, the publisher told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The imprint, Simon Spotlight Entertainment, had been promoting a celebrity memoir for July, without identifying the author or contents. "Life With My Sister Madonna" will have a first printing of 350,000. Financial details were not disclosed. "Ciccone's extraordinary memoir is based on his life and 47 years of growing up with and working with his sister — the most famous woman in the world," the publisher said Wednesday in a statement. Ciccone, 47, has worked often with his older sister, designing and directing her "Girlie Show" tour in 1993 and serving as artistic director of her 1991 documentary, "Madonna: Truth or Dare." But according to Madonna's spokeswoman, Liz Rosenberg, they are no longer close. (Source Associated Press)
I'm actually surprised that it took this long for her brother to write anything about her. And that no one else in her family has. Though Madonna is kind of scary. I'm sure she's got an iron grip on her family that prevents them from writing tell all memoirs about her. Didn't she have a nanny killed once or something? Anyway, free speech is free speech and I'm sure that Madonna's brother will write a very loving tribute to his sister. Or not. Yeah, probably not.
And finally ( I'm cutting things a bit short today due to some Internet bugs that are making posting a bit difficult today. This is my second attempt at posting!) The Forbes Annual Power List was released today with some interesting additions:

Angelina Jolie is the powerful than beau Brad Pitt, according to Forbes' annual Power List, which ranks celebrities on money and fame. Oprah Winfrey topped the the list for the second year in a row with a media empire that earned her $275 million. Notable newcomers included Hills star Lauren Conrad (#97), Sex and the City's Sarah Jessica Parker (#72), singer/designer Gwen Stefani (#63) and Tina Fey (#99). Newlyweds Beyonce and Jay-Z ranked No. 4 and No. 7 respectively. Miley Cyrus (#35); Zac Efron (#92), and the Jonas Brothers (#89) accounted for teens on this year's list. Celebs that fell off the list? New mom Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, Scarlett Johansson and Adam Sandler. (source US Weekly)

Is anyone really all that shocked that Angelina Jolie is more powerful than her partner Brad Pitt? If he wanted to be the powerful one in the relationship, he should have stayed with Jennifer Aniston. I am a bit surprised that this is only the first year that Sarah Jessica Parker has been on the list, though I guess it probably took a clothing line and a number one movie to get her there. Then how does someone like Lauren Conrad get on the list? Oh wait, doesn't she design socks or something when she's not pretending to work, I mean working for Teen Vogue? There I go again, blogging about The Hills! The madness must stop! You can check out the full list here.
Ok, that's all for me. I've got to quit before my computer dies and makes me write this post all over again. Plus its freaking hot outside and the wind is killing my sinuses, so I'm going to go stand under the air conditioning vent and turn myself into a Popsicle before I go home to my un-airconditioned house and sweat my way through the night.

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