Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale welcomed their second little prince today, E! News has confirmed. Son Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale was born Thursday at
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Zuma? Really?
The Rumors Continue
If its a C-section, then we should know in a matter of hours in Gwen is truly giving birth. And I say that its about time! It seems like she's been pregnant forever! I was assuming that she would pop around the same time that Angelina did, but I guess I was wrong. Just another baby to add to the ever expanding Hollywood Baby Boom (or Hbb as I like to call it). I hope Kingston's ready to be a big brother!
And Now For Something Completly... Odd
Not only is she the face of this "healthy beer" but she's also got a 15% stake in the company. Am I the only one who is avidly curious about this beer? Not because of Jessica Simpson. Because I want to see what a vitamin enriched beer can taste like. It can't be worse than Heinekin. Can it?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More Baby Booming.
The most surprising development in this said boom, well since that whole Clay Aiken thing that still makes me a little nauseous, broke today. Apparently, Ricky Martin, he of the bon bon shaking and living la vida loca, has managed to procure twin boys via a surrogate mother. Here's the scoop on that one:
Ricky Martin has shaken his bon-bon all the way to the paternity ward: The Latino superstar is now the proud father of twin boys. The "Livin' la Vida Loca" singer's spawn were delivered via a surrogate mother several weeks ago, his rep confirmed today. "The children, delivered via surrogacy, are healthy and already under Ricky's full-time care," per the official statement. No further details were made available, including either the tots' names or vital statistics. There's also no word on the identity of the boys' mother. These are the first offspring for the 36-year-old Grammy winner, who has long been an advocate for kids, devoting time to charities that work to prevent the sexual exploitation of children. (source)
Sneaky little minx! This is the first I've heard of Ricky even wanting kids, let alone going through the process of securing a surrogate and taking care of her during the pregnancy and birth and even has the twin boys in his care already! That's a lot of planning to keep out of the eye of the press. Though he does tend to stay out of the spotlight when he's not on stage or at a charity gig and he stays away from Hollywood, so its not surprising that he was able to hide the whole process from prying eyes. Good for him on that front! There have always been rumors that Ricky is gay and, while it wouldn't surprise me if he was, I have always been impressed by the way he manages to steer the media's focus back to his music and charities. That is the way it should be. So congrats on the new babies Ricky!
Another sly lady who's always tried, though rarely succeeded, to stay out of the public eye, is Jennifer Garner, who has also become a member of the Hollywood baby boom (to be called the Hbb for the rest of this post, I'm getting tired of typing it over and over again!). Speculation on Jennifer's first pregnancy (with two year old Violet) and her marriage to Ben Affleck were rampant, but never really confirmed by the couple. This time around, they seem to find no reason to change their game plan. In fact, before the baby bump watch began this time on Jennifer, rumors were rampant that she and Ben were divorcing. The minute the bump watch began though, those rumors died. Now its all about the baby bump and the house search. People Magazine is claiming that Jennifer actually did confirm her second pregnancy today. Here's what they have to say:
Jennifer Garner finally confirmed Wednesday what her baby bump has made clear for weeks – that she and husband Ben Affleck are expecting their second child. "We're so excited, obviously," Garner told Access Hollywood at Walt Disney's 10th Anniversary party for the Baby Einstein line of merchandise. Garner joked about the endless speculation – even crediting her obvious pregnancy to "carbs for breakfast." "It always makes me laugh when people say 'Is she?' 'Isn't she?' It's like eventually you will know, so just chill out for a minute," she told Access Hollywood. (source)
Congrats to the Afflecks on their newest project. Every picture I've seen of Violet is absolutely adorable and they obviously enjoy being parents so way to go. Now we all can stop staring at pictures of Jennifer Garner's stomach and obsess about someone else's.
One final addition to the Hbb todaym which was actually just announced as I started writing this post. Matt Damon and his wife, Luciana, have welcomed a baby girl.
It's another girl for Matt Damon and his wife, Luciana, his rep tells PEOPLE. "Matt and Lucy Damon had a baby girl named Gia Zavala on Wednesday, Aug. 20th. Everyone's doing great," Damon's rep, Jennifer Allen, tells PEOPLE. "She is a healthy baby girl." The newest addition is the third little girl in the Damon household, joining big sisters Isabella, 2, and Alexia, 10. (source)
More congrats on the latest addition to the baby boom. I'm sure the new Garner-Affleck baby and Gia will have lots of play dates in the future.
So, I'm about babied out today. If I keep writing about babies, my husband is going to start getting nervous. I keep telling him that its not my fault, there's something in the famous people water! They just keep getting pregnant! Luckily, I'm not famous, so I don't get that water.
Things around here are basically the same. We're winding down the qualifying on the Vine VIP Party, so if you haven't won yet, you've better head on over to to find out how!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Some Rumors Do Come True
Of all the rumors I heard or read on Friday, this one seemed the most likely. Especially once all the party planning vans started showing up at their house. Congrats once again to the newlyweds!
So Gwen Stefani's still pregnant and Lindsay Lohan hasn't converted, but two out of three isn't too bad.
In other not really related news, the city of Milwaukee finally got something they've been longing for forever: a bronze statue of The Fonz.
A statue of Arthur Fonzarelli was unveiled to a Happy Days-loving crowd on Wisconsin's Milwaukee River today, commemorating the 10-year run of the classic sitcom and its most iconic character in the city where the series was set (but, alas, never shot). Fonzie alter ego Henry Winkler was on hand for the invite-only occasion, as were show creator-director-producer Garry Marshall, stars Anson Williams (Potsie), Don Most (Ralph), Marion Ross (Mrs. Cunningham), Tom Bosley (Mr. Cunningham) and Erin Moran (Joanie), as well as Laverne & Shirley leads Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams. Ron Howard was on location and unable to make the unveiling. (source)
So, yes I'm being a bit facetious, but I'm also being a bit nostalgic. I used to love watching reruns of Happy Days after school (I believe it came on after my daily fix of Hey Dude and Saved By The Bell) and I love the fact that Milwaukee has embraced its place in pop culture by putting up this statue. Now all they're missing is a Laverne and Shirley historical landmarks tour and they are good to go.
And finally, those of you who are comic book fans, Frank Miller fans, or just went to see The Dark Knight in the theaters may have been excited for the movie version of The Watchmen to debut in theaters next March, but 20th Century Fox really wants to rain on your parade. They're trying to block the release of the comic book adaptation by claiming they still own the rights. Here are the details:
Who will watch The Watchmen? Nobody, if 20th Century Fox gets its way. After a major court victory, the studio has announced a bid to block the release of Warner Bros.' anticipated adaptation of the seminal graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Fox originally tried to develop the project more than a decade ago, but didn't manage to get the film off the drawing board. The studio claims Warners never properly acquired the rights to The Watchmen, and, in a major twist, instead of seeking a share of the would-be blockbuster's box-office gross, Fox is seeking to kill the flick entirely before it unspools in theaters March 6. A federal judge in Los Angeles agreed with Fox lawyers that there's enough evidence to keep the lawsuit going forward—and keep the film's release in limbo. Directed by 300 helmer Zack Snyder, The Watchmen stars Patrick Wilson, Carla Gugino, Billy Crudup and Jackie Earle Haley as a band of former superheroes who find themselves reclassified as criminal vigilantes in an alternate universe circa 1985. As an unknown assassin begins to hunt them down, the heroes try to unravel a conspiracy and thwart a nuclear war. Per its complaint, Fox traces its distribution rights through a series of complex legal agreements that began in 1991, when the studio teamed up with veteran producer Larry Gordon to develop the DC Comics graphic novel. The project stalled and Gordon went packing, leaving Fox, not Gordon, in control of the property, per the suit. But Gordon resurfaced in 2006 and inked a deal with Warners to try to relaunch Watchmen. It's not clear exactly why Fox is asking for an injunction to block The Watchmen from coming out, especially since the film's already in the can, although it could simply be a ploy to gain a large portion of ticket sales. There's also no indication why Fox waited so long to bring its case. (source)
I am actually a little upset by this turn of events. I've never read the graphic novel, nor had I ever heard of The Watchmen before a few months ago. I didn't even really like 300, which is blasphemy to many of the people I know. What can I say, I'm a girl and men in leather underwear don't really do it for me! However, since this movie began filming and more and more attention has been given to it, I've become more intrigued with the story. I may even check out the graphic novel before the movie comes out (assuming it does). I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out in the legal system. Its funny, I'm a big fan of Entertainment Weekly magazine and my husband just pointed out that this problem with The Watchmen makes the second cover story that they've published, only to have the movie studios change the information. Just last week, they released their Fall Movie Preview with an in depth look at Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on the cover, only to have Warner Bros push back the movie's release date to next summer. Probably a coincidence, but interesting none the less.
So that's about it for me today. I ran out of time yesterday and didn't get a chance to write, but I did want to tell everyone that they should definitely check out Tropic Thunder in the theaters if they can or are so inclined. I wasn't expecting to like this movie as much as I did and I think seeing it in the theater really added to it. I also saw Mama Mia this weekend as well, which was a good movie, but there are only so many ABBA fans out there, so I won't push for that one as much.
Anyway, make sure to sign up for the new Vine Loyal Listener club before the week is up. We're qualifying five people a day to go to the Vine VIP party next Thursday and the only way you'll get the Vine Songs of the Summer is by singing up at Its going to be a great party and you'll have a chance to win some amazing prizes!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi, 35, will wed Saturday in California, has learned exclusively. The pair are planning a small, intimate ceremony with only a few close friends and family.
E Online has been staking out their house all day and has reported lots of flower deliveries and event planners are buzzing around:
E! News can confirm that Revelry Event Designers, the same company that jazzed up Joe and Tina Simpson's pad for Ashlee and Pete Wentz's big day, is sprucing up the couple's Beverly Hills estate. A truck from L.A. florist Mark's Garden made a delivery to the couple's home Friday morning. (Ellen, 50, and Portia, 35, plan to wed this weekend, reportedly on Saturday night.) Also spotted at Ellen's 8,500-square-foot mansion Friday: Ellen's mom, Betty, who was seen driving out of her daughter's driveway shortly before noon.
Well, it sounds like some kind of party is happening at the love birds nest, but it may not be a wedding. I was always under the impression that Ellen and Portia were planning on getting married on Ellen's show. Or maybe I was wrong and they were just planning on filming the ceremony to show on her show at a later date. At least this way they'll get a honeymoon. Though I'm pretty sure they just got back from Italy not that long ago. Ah, to be a jet setting celebrity. They get all the cool vacations. I think I might be going a little stir crazy today. Anyway, if this rumor is true, then congrats to the newlyweds in advance!
On to the next rumor. Both People and E! are both stalking Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale and swearing that their second little bundle of joy will be making its appearance some time this weekend. Neither had any credible info though, just speculation, so I'm less inclined to believe this one. Though Gwen is pretty preggo and she has been going to the doctor an awful lot lately. Well, we'll find out when we find out on this one I'm sure. I wouldn't put it past her to wait until Labor Day weekend when all of the media is on vacation in the Hamptons or wherever it is that they are when they're not reporting random gossip.
And finally, Lindsay Lohan is apparently converting to Judaism. E Online's got the scoop:
It's no shtick—Lindsay Lohan is converting to Judaism. And apparently, her family is taking the news very well. Lindsay told family and friends she decided to convert after learning about the Jewish religion from her girlfriend, Samantha Ronson. Sam's family is Jewish and is said to be supportive of Lindsay's move.
Of course, Lindsay's ever talkative father, Michael, has already given his opinion to the press, saying he doesn't think she'll stick with it. I guess she was one of the many that hopped on and off the Kabbalah bandwagon, but this time love is involved. That it, assuming that she and Samantha Ronson are actually a couple like everyone says they are. Personally, I don't really care what religion she is as long as she stays sober. Or at least off the drugs.That's it for me today. Its Friday afternoon and I'm excited for the weekend. I don't have much planned, but I'm going to enjoy it I hope.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Charges? What Charges?
I had a feeling that the charges would eventually be dropped against Christian Bale, though I thought the ordeal might get dragged out a bit longer than this. After all, his mother and sister haven't quite had their full 15 minutes of fame. But the British legal system obviously has no patience for fame grabbers and went ahead and dropped the charges. Way to go British legal system!
Other than this news, there's not too much going on in the entertainment world.
So that's about all I've got for you today. Things are clicking along here at the Vine. If you're a local, don't forget to register for the new Vine Loyal Listener Club to get the Songs of the Summer. When you hear the song of the day, be caller 9 at 257-VINE and you get to go to the Vine VIP party, which is always fun, and have a chance to win some pretty awesome prices including a trip to Mexico. Check it all out at as part of the 99 Days of Summer.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Someone Please Explain to Me...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sad Days
It was a pretty sad weekend in the entertainment world, with the deaths of two well loved entertainers. On Saturday, word cam that Bernie Mac had died in a Chicago hospital from complications from pneumonia.
Bernie Mac, who told jokes on train platforms and plugged away for decades before coming into the spotlight on his own Fox sitcom, the Ocean's movies and more, died Saturday morning—one week after it was learned he'd been hospitalized with pneumonia. He was 50. A spokesman for the Cook County Medical Examiner's office confirmed to E! News that Mac had been a patient at Chicago's Northwestern Memorial Hospital for "over a week," and that he died Saturday morning of "natural causes." Friday, Mac's publicist, Danica Smith, responding to rumors that the star had fallen critically ill, said Mac was in stable condition, and was "responding well to treatment." Mac suffered from sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that can affect any body organ, per the Mayo Clinic's website, but that Mac revealed in 2005 had taken root in his lungs. According to Smith, the pneumonia that struck down the star was unrelated to the disease, which had reportedly been in remission. (Source E Online)
My heart goes out to his family and friends. I always liked Bernie Mac in the movies (though not always the movies he was in) and I also enjoyed his stand up. He was a great comic and will be missed.
Yesterday, more sad news came in the form of the death of Shaft singer Isaac Hayes. Most people know Hayes from one place or another, be it South Park, Shaft or Soul Man. Here are the details:
Soul music pioneer Isaac Hayes – whose 1971 "Theme from Shaft" won the Oscar and Grammys – died Sunday in Memphis, where he lived. He was 65. A releative discovered an unresponsive Hayes near an exercise machine in their home at midday, and Hayes was pronounced dead at 2:10 p.m. when he arrived at Baptist East Hospital in Memphis, the Shelby County Sheriff's Office tells PEOPLE. Although the hospital is still determining the cause of death, Shular says Hayes most likely died of natural causes. Family members said the singer, who had a history of high blood pressure, had recently been treated for various medical conditions. In January 2006, news sources reported that Hayes had suffered a mild stroke. At the time, friends said the condition was brought on by exhaustion. Hayes reportedly had 12 children, 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. (source People)
More sad news from an already grim weekend. Once again, my heart goes out to his friends and family.
So yeah, what a depressing weekend this was in the entertainment world. There was also some domestic violence reported as well, but I'm already too depressed to talk about it. Someone needs to announce an engagement or pregnancy or both. Isn't Gwen Stefani due any day now? She needs to have that baby pronto to cheer us up. Seriously Gwen, its for the good of the world. Just pop that baby out already!
Aside from depressing, the weekend was pretty low key for me. While I love the concerts at Robert Mondavi Winery, I always breathe a sigh of relief when they're over so I can get my weekends back. Five Saturday nights in a row can get a bit exhausting! It was nice to just kick back and not do too much. Who knows what next weekend will bring.
Well, I think that's it for me. I'll have more for you in the coming week, but I'm easing my way back into it all for right now.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ya'll ain't ready for these kids!
The biggest news that broke today was the confirmation that People Magazine bought the first pictures of the Brangelina twins (Hello Magazine got the international rights for the pictures) for an undisclosed sum (rumored to be between $11 million to $14 million). Here are the details:
Vivienne Marcheline and Knox Leon are, at long last, ready for their closeups. Their outlandishly overpriced, highly anticipated, paparazzi-thwarting closeups. As expected, the deep pockets over at People magazine won the bidding war for the U.S. and Canadian rights to the twins' first photoshoot, with Hello! magazine snagging the international exclusive. Though there's no official word on how much the publications shelled out to show the world Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's genetically blessed double act, or whether the newborns can out-cute big sis Shiloh's People debut, sources have placed the camera coup at $14 million. Vivienne and Knox, not yet one month old having entered the world to much fanfare on July 12, will make their cover debuts on both People and Hello! on Monday. (Source E Online)
You can get your first glance of the cover of People on their website on Sunday at 4 pm PST, so set your alarms and get put it in your date books. I know I for one will be sitting in front of my laptop all day Sunday to make sure I don't miss the unveiling of the world's most genetically blessed twins. I wonder if there will be a picture of their also genetically blessed older sister Shiloh with them. I bet there's at least one family portrait. Of course, Brad and Angie have made sure that the world knows that the millions of dollars they get paid for a picture of the blessed ones with go straight to charity, it will not past Go it will not collect interest. Oddly enough, People Magazine had no story about the pictures, just a banner on the top of their website promoing the unveiling on Sunday. Maybe they're a little ashamed of the kind of dough they shelled out for this particular photo shoot. You know they spent more than the rumored amount on making sure those babies are photo ready.
Other happy news comes from someone a bit lower key than Brangelina and their photogenic brood. Actress Heather Matarazzo announced her engagement today. Here are the specifics:
Heather Matarazzo, best known for playing an awkward seventh grader in Welcome to the Dollhouse and then an awkward high school student opposite Anne Hathaway in The Princess Diaries, is engaged. Matarazzo’s publicist, Lisa Jammal, tells E! News exclusively the 25-year-old actress “is engaged to Caroline Murphy. They’ve been together for over a year.” And because the couple does not have a specific “male or female role,” they both proposed! “It was really cute. First Heather proposed to Carolyn, then Carolyn proposed to her,” says Jammal. She goes on to say the two are very supportive of each other and are totally in love—“it was love at first sight.” (Source E Online)
Very cute. Congratulations to the newly engaged couple! I love it when celebrities seem genuinely happy with their partners and aren't just doing it for publicity.
On to less pleasant news, the Shia LeBeouf controversy just won't go away it seems. The kid's still in the hospital, but that doesn't stop the media from getting quotes from as many people around him as possible, even though the sheriff's has already ruled that the accident wasn't his fault, there's still that pesky DUI. Access Hollywood pestered Transformers director Michael Bay into giving them a quote. As always, he was ever so tactful:
Shia LaBeouf may have been arrested for DUI after Sunday's car accident – but Transformers director Michael Bay insists the actor was not impaired. "He was not drunk," Bay tells Access Hollywood in an interview slated to air Friday. "He was drinking hours and hours before." But the director – currently working with LaBeouf on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – claims that he did warn his young star about road safety shortly before the crash. "We had a little heart to heart the week before when he bought a brand new motorcycle," Bay told the TV show. "I [said], 'Dude! You cannot ride that motorcycle! If you crash, you put 1,500 people out of work.' He said, 'Ok, I won't ride it, I won't ride it. I'll just drive my truck.' (Source People)
Well, we can see how well just driving his truck around went. And I'm glad that he was drinking hours and hours before the accident. While this particular interview doesn't give me much hope for Shia, statements made by the police at the time of the accident do seem a bit suspect. I don't believe they ever did a breathalyzer test, probably because his hand was all mashed up, so they arrested him on the basis of his "intoxicated behavior". Could that behavior have been shock? Will know soon enough I'm sure.
Well, that's about all for me today. I've got more stuff to do here today and I'll be broadcasting live tomorrow night from the final concert of the 39th annual Summer Festival at Robert Mondavi Winery. UB40 will be performing, so it should be a pretty good show. Kellie will be broadcasting live tomorrow afternoon from the Think Green World Music Festival as well, which should also be pretty fun. You can get more info on that concert here.
Its going to be another busy weekend, so I'm out of here.